Giving It All Up....

...So That We Could Leave It All Behind

With only 6 days until I leave for Kenya, Jody and I were recalling all the things that had to be given up in order to be obedient to God's call.   Giving up possessions, jobs, reputations, and even friends and family was necessary so that when God said "go" we would be willing to leave it all behind.

We found it wasn't about a one time event of sacrifice, but at it's core, was an issue of the heart.  We had to be detached from the things of this world so that Christ could be Lord of everything in our lives.

St. Augustine once said, "Christ is not Lord at all unless He is Lord of All."

Our hearts had be be cleaned out so that nothing could take Christ's rightful place.
"Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts."

As God asked me to surrender certain things,  I found it made more and more room to experience a greater intimacy with Christ and a total dependency on Him!

There were endless amounts of things that I found formed my identity and it wasn't until I gave them up  that I realized I was being defined by human relationships, titles, and yes even a reputation, instead of finding my identity only in Christ.

We never think we have a reputation to maintain until God asks us to do something that others consider  absurd.  Nor do we think of ourselves having an identity in our titles and money, until God takes those away.

I love what the Apostle Paul said of his former life of status and prestige,

"I once considered all these  things so important; but now I consider them worthless."

What I've discovered by giving it all up is that I have an identity in Christ that can never be changed or taken from me!  Jesus never changes and is 100% reliable.
Now that Christ has His rightful place in my heart, my relationships with family and friends have gotten even better!  And though leaving them to go to Africa is still painful, the joy of following Jesus is that much greater!

Yup!  Giving it all up to gain everything in Christ!

"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared to the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."

Thanks for reading friends!

Comments or questions?  I'd love to hear from you!

Verses Used: 1 John 5:21; Phil 3:7 ; 3:8
Pictures: Training with Lynn for the Columbus Marathon, Picking apples with Lynn & Andrea, My family at Thanksgiving (Our fav holiday!)


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