"Making Tents"

Jody and I are busy learning how to make "tents." Not literally.  As you know the Apostle Paul had a day job, aside from all his preaching, teaching, and writing letters.  He made tents to support his mission work.

These two sisters marvel at God's creativity! He has given Jody the gifting and talent to be a teacher and to me He has given the background and ability to equip others for their cross-cultural work (cross-cultural consultant).
So what's this whole idea about me starting a business here in Kenya?!

We believe God gave us our business to build His kingdom work here!  

God has been showing me through lots of young entrepreneurs  how to use business to teach and model His Biblical principles of  integrity, honesty, and even morality.
Not only that, these young business people are using most of the profits to fund God's kingdom work!  It's such an awesome "Tent-making" revolution taking place here.  
And, God is using this concept throughout many closed countries!
So while I am here working on developing the business, Jody is getting a rather extensive teacher's training working with children of all ages and grade levels, which I think will really help in education development  here!

God's ways are endless and His love is measureless!
Jody and I say "thanks" for joining with us in being instruments of God's love in Kenya!


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