Hello Friends!  How are you?  God reminds me to pray for each of you.
Well, I just had a wonderful week long get-away with the Lord just outside the city. It was so beautiful and made me think of how the "Garden of Eden” must have looked like.  I was on an Africa Inland Mission (AIM) compound and got to house and dog-sit for a couple who were out of town.

There were avocado trees, jacarandas covered with violet blooms, and the nutty smell of eucalyptus everywhere. I heard cows mooing, pigs squealing, and even some bush babies at night; tiny little tree creatures that resemble Furbies.

It was a great chance for me to stop and access where I'm at in starting the business.
When I returned I had an email from a relocation company scheduling me for training on Friday! I'll be doing their cross-cultural training courses for companies in East Africa and that will help get me in the door!

Also, when the AIM couple returned they told me they'd set-up a dinner appointment with a woman from Business as Missions (BAM) who has already set-up her business and is going to tell me how to start mine!!
These are two HUGE praises and breakthroughs.

I've also been challenged to pray and consider doing business in N. Africa, in the future, and may be taking a trip up there soon.

Since I last wrote, I have also moved to Nairobi.  Before I was living with my Ugandan Family south of the city and the commute was horrendous.  Traffic here can take you up to three hours just to go 6 kilometers!  The Lord opened up a room for me with Connie Donlon, a missionary from Canada.  As it turns out she is from the province of Ontario, where I had lived for four years!

This Wednesday I will be spending the day with my Kenyan Pastor’s wife, Judith.  When I was here in 2009, Pastor Richards and Judith had lost their eldest son in a car accident.  But now God has blessed them with two more babies, a little overwhelming for mama at times, so I hope that I can help Judith and be an encouragement to her!

I also got to spend time with Josephine.  She’s a very young mother who lives in the slums of Kibera, just 5 minutes’ walk from my house.  She was orphaned and to escape the abuse from extended family members, married at 19.  She now teaches soccer and Bible to a group of 25 orphaned girls in her neighborhood.  I got to meet the girls last Saturday and am hoping to connect them with a young college student (Lucy) who helps orphans start small micro-businesses. 
God’s connections are amazing!

Also, Jody (my sis) is praying about a time to come over and visit.  So be praying for her as well.

But the biggest news since my last letter is….I’m an AUNTIE!!! 

My brother Tim and my sister-n-law, Andrea had Lilly Joy Price in August.  I got to meet the new bundle of life on SKYPE.  Praise God for internet even in Kenya!

Other than missing my family terribly, I’m doing well.

Thanks for your prayers and support!  I couldn’t be here without you guys!

PS – If you’d like to write me my address is: P.O. Box 21347 Nairobi, Kenya 00505
Phone: 011-+254-0704500624


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