Is Your "Doing' Keeping You From "Becoming'?
I've been sorting through piles and piles of old papers (school term papers), files, receipts, and lots of other things. I have to put everything I own in plastic boxes for my parents basement in preparation for Kenya. My thought, is that I will eventually make enough from cross-cultural coaching/consulting to pay for a place in the States for our home visits as well as rent in Kenya. But for now, I'm scraping by for our place in Kenya and settling for my parent's basement.
So back to the sorting! It's like a nostalgic walk through my history! I've been finding all kinds of "treasures". Lately, I found this article that I had written about 12 years ago when I suffered from an illness. And even though it was 12 years ago, it still ministered to me!
"Focus on Becoming, Not Doing"
How many of us become exasperated because we just can't get it all done! With my health condition and having chronic fatigue you can imagine how foreboding that "to do" list can be. One day I just sobbed because I knew I was too tired and weak to finish even the first few tasks! That's when God reminded me of the story when Jesus visited Martha and Mary. Jesus had to remind Martha of the relationship, not the task.
What is it that we tell someone when we are sharing Christ with them? Do we give them a "to do" list in order to become Christians? Of course not! We emphasize the importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is easy for us to loose sight of our relationship with Christ in a culture that demands performance.
It is through my physical inability that God is deepening my relationship with Him. I'm taking a long look at what I'm becoming rather than what I should be doing.
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