Another Year in Kenya...

...coming up soon!

Jody and I had just taken communion following the Maunday Thursday service and as we were filing out of the sanctuary, our pastor came over to us.

"Are you in a hurry?  Can we meet real quick?"

We followed him back to the church office.  As he looked distractedly through stacks and stacks of paperwork he inquired of us several times how much we had asked for in our ministry funding proposal to which he finally replied,

"That's too bad, because we approved you for more!"

The tension of ambiguity was broken and joy was shared all around.
Immediately the Lord called to mind, 

"The Lord replies, '...I have heard the groans of the poor.  Now I will rise up to rescue them as they have longed for Me to do.'"

                                                                   Are we there yet?!

A long interval can seem like an agonizingly slow uphill climb, but in the end it was worth waiting for!
Jody and I are now able to work among the orphans in the slums of Kibera, the second largest slum in all of Africa. 

We are planning on a June departure. 
It will be another year in Kenya for me and Jody's first visit. We have much to prepare for as she gets immunized against the unfamiliar diseases of Africa, pack all our belongings into plastic boxes for storage, purchase international driving licenses, and what seems like an endless list of things to accomplish before leaving; all trivial things in light of God's eternal plan to rescue orphans and widows.

It's just so humbling that God should choose us to be a small, small part of His big plans to create a "hope and future" for some of the poorest and most destitute.

The world has forgotten them, but God has not!


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