God's Delays Bring God's Provisions

For those of you who travel, you know all about that sinking feeling you get when you arrive at the airport gate, only to find the words “DELAYED”.  You rarely are told how long the wait will be and sometimes after hours of delay, the flight is cancelled.

Several weeks ago, I had a plane ticket in hand and was anticipating a return to Kenya.  

Five days before I was to get on the plane I received word that the room I had been renting was no longer available.  I prayed about it and did not have God’s peace.  The lack of funding needed for a new apartment lease was further confirmation that it was not yet God's timing.

The Sunday after my originally scheduled flight, I listened to one of my favorite preachers online.  The sermon was on Nehemiah receiving word that the wall around Jerusalem laid in ruins. Nehemiah wept, prayed and fasted for three months, and waited on God’s timing.  It wasn’t until the local king brought up the topic of Nehemiah’s sad disposition, that he shared with him his wish to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls.  The timing was right!  God granted him such favor, that the king sent him with supplies and an armed escort!

As I listened, The Holy Spirit was telling me that I too needed to wait.

When you enter a season of waiting, God does not always reveal His reasons...at least not right away.  Sometimes, it may be years after you waited!

But this time, God graciously revealed the reason for the delay.

Shortly after the decision to wait, Jody and I were given an opportunity to apply for ministry funding. Our proposal past the first committee and was sent to the district counsel for final approval.  Then after much prayer, we decided that we both needed to go to Kenya together.

A week later, our mom went in for a routine colonoscopy.  The Doctor found a mass in her colon and scheduled her for cancer surgery the following week.

Delaying brought much needed ministry funding, decisions made together, and a mother's daughters in her time of need.

Truly there is only one person we wait for!

"My soul wait thou only upon the Lord."

God's provisions in His delays are not only for me and my family, they are for you too! He longs to lavish His love on you no matter what season of life you may be in.


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