"Catching Fire" While Good Men do Nothing

"For evil to triumph, it is enough only that good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

I just saw the Hunger Games: Catching Fire.  I was so shocked by the portrayal of violence among children, that it took me three days to recover from the first Hunger Games movie.  So I could hardly believe myself saying "yes" to see this second film. But it wasn't until "Catching Fire" that a fire started in my heart as it finally dawned on me...

...this kind of evil already exists in our world! 

A friend of mine who recently returned from East Asia told me how all the street children had been collected by the government so their organs could be harvested! It wasn't Sci-Fi but a real life horror!

One of the themes of the Hunger Games stories is to show what happens when we choose to ignore evil, or simply believe it doesn't exist.

There is a scene in Catching Fire, where at a party in the Capitol, people eat until they are full then drink a concoction that makes them vomit so they can keep eating more. Meanwhile, in the outlying districts, the masses are kept in near starvation. I think the author of the books, was making a profound statement about our apathy toward evil and our choice to keep a blind eye as long as we are well fed and happy and have more than we need.

Eighteenth Century British Statesmen, Edmund Burke, said,

"For evil to triumph it is enough only that good men do nothing".

If indeed our apathy advances evil, how should we start responding to it?

On the of day of the Nairobi Mall attack, a Kenyan Muslim man named Haji decided to go to Westgate to help survivors. He noticed my American friend Katherine hiding with her three toddlers.  Haji's choice not to ignore evil saved Katherine and her children.

We too can begin to make choices like Haji to, first, not ignore evil, and secondly to start taking action to help those afflicted by it.

We have friends in the U.S. and all over the world, who volunteer with organizations that advocate for women in sex trafficking, help disabled children, give a voice to silent victims through blogging, and others who help empower the poor through job skills training.

There are so many ways we can take action in helping the helpless.  Together, we can begin  to make a dent in the advancement of evil!

Christy & Jody

PS - Thanks to all of you who donate to Streams of Mercy Africa.  You have done so much to keep some dear girls off the streets and in good homes!

Two Ways to Help!

Daryl & Wanda Fulp, who have 8 children and three adopted children are good friends of mine who started an adoption  organization called Hope For Home.  They are making a tremendous impact among the lives of orphans and can assist anyone who has considered adoption.  

If you have not thought of adoption and can't have children, please do consider!  It can seem like a daunting task and financially impossible, but I have many friends who have had successful adoptions and have seen it work on limited budgets!  

And  if you are single, don't let that keep you from thinking of adoption.  My friend Tammy Donahue hasn't let that stop her!

Tammy not only adopted a child, but also started a children's home rescuing boys off the streets of Nairobi, Kenya.

Rehabilitated boys are now men and starting families of their own!

If you are simply unable to adopt or volunteer with these good folks, I know they could use your donations, especially this Christmas as they not only have special feeding programs but also have their own needs, which I find, they rarely think of.

Our Website
Our Email

Haji Saves Others

Some of my Heroes who choice to stand against evil:

Noah: He chose to obey God in a time of great evil even though it meant he would stand alone.

Jael: One of my all time favourites, simply because she did what no man, at the time, had the courage to do. 

Jesus: My ultimate Hero.  He conquered evil, by laying down His life, willingly. 

Isaiah 1:17

"learn to do good. Seek justice: help the oppressed; defend the orphan; plead for the widow."


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