Slumber Party!
This is Ruth, our good friend from Wales. She graciously opened her home to us for a three day women's leadership training. She invited us for a sleep over the last day of training and also let us invite our "nieces" Eva (junior), Esther, and Philis. There were not enough beds at Ruth's, so we took over a couple mattresses. Philis is often the spokesperson for our group of quiet teens, whom we have been teaching about God. Children are taught to be "seen and not heard" in the presence of adults. So learning to chat with us can be challenging, especially since our elementary understanding of Swahili, means we use English. They have an excellent mastery of English, but it's not the language they are comfortable in. These mattresses, which originally came from the U.S., were much heavier than the Kenyan mattresses. We carried them up four flights of stairs. I surprised Esther! We enjoyed singing and worshiping t...