Amani (Peace) in Kenya
Hello family and friends! This week millions went to the polls to elect a new President. Despite tribalism and grievances from the past, God was gracious and answered our pleas for peace! After the advise of several friends and family, I choice to spend election week away from voting centers. The Lord renewed and refreshed me in time spent at the Resurrection Prayer Garden and nunnery . It was also quite humorous, as I was the only woman there along with a group of men who were on a silent retreat. It was hilarious, me sitting in the cafeteria eating at a table by myself, looking at the clock, twiddling my thumbs as men silently walked past with plates of food, all giving glances in my direction. It was heaven until about the third day, when I could no longer take the silence and solitude, at which time I went to a friend's house at a Christian College next door. There I enjoyed the company of Liam (6), Lila (9), Kiara (12), ...