My Trip to Kurungu
Missionary friends, Monica,Walter and Caleb invited me to journey with them to visit the Samburu Tribe. They are a pastoral community struggling to find new sources of income. I went because I was interested in meeting the women to see if their bead work could be used for a shoe business idea I had. Entrepreneurs, Isaac and Daniel also came on the trip to work on their community pepper farm. We all were beginning to wonder if it was a sign from God to turn back after two hours into the trip, the trailer lost a tire. An hour and half later, we were back on the muddy roads. It is amazing what you can get through from sheer determination! Walter managed to meuver their four wheel drive through this flooded, dirt road. It was quite an adrenaline rush as the passing truck produced a wake that flooded the hood! Fortunately, and I think more by God's grace, we got through the river and the deep mud without stalling or getting stuck! Traveling ...