
Showing posts from June, 2014

Stay in the Game and Fight!

Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Ephesians 6:10 In soccer, Jody and I tend to cheer for the underdogs and the U.S. was not the favored to win last’s night’s game against Ghana, the team that beat them in the last two World Cups. In the second half the cameras kept focusing on a Ghanaian fan that the announcers assumed was high. But we quickly realized he was a witch doctor in a demonic trance! Suddenly what began for us as a fun sporting match became an acute reminder that we live constantly in a Spiritual battle. The US team kept defending attack after attack and they were growing weary, something that happens with all of us in the Spiritual battle. We too grow weary, we think we are too weak to defend against the Enemy anymore and we feel like giving up. Despite suffering injuries, exhaustion, and dehydration, the U.S. team never gave up, even though their opponents were physically stronger. God really used it to show us how the Enemy often gets us to think that...