Embracing God in the Wilderness
Hello Friends! While agonizing with the Lord over something difficult in my life, I was reminded to re-read my blog posts. This particular one reminded me that even though the storms come, God has been faithful in the past and He will continue to be faithful in the current circumstance. I hope you too recall God's faithfulness in your life. I am now on the brink of seeing my business launched called Welcome Services, which will be coaching individuals through the stress of culture shock and training company employees on how to transition well cross-culturally. But this dream did not happen overnight. I felt I needed to share with you how God has used Waiting as like an old friend to shape and mold me. I entered the Waiting Wilderness, when 16 years ago, doctors discovered I had a life long illness. Young, passionate, and a burden to serve God as a missionary, I remember lying in bed, my body racked with pain. I felt trappe...